The video, What is Peer Editing, and the slide show, Peer Edit With Perfection Tutorial, were very insightful. Every peer should make sure to follow these simple three steps: Compliments, Suggestions, and Corrections. Compliments are something that everyone likes to hear, but you should never overdue it. No one's work is ever perfect and it's okay to say it as long as it is in a positive way. Making suggestions and corrections help complete and effective peer review. I have learned that without taking all three of these steps a peer review is pointless. Anyone can say your work is good, but if your only hearing "the good" all the time about your paper then you will not realize the actual mistakes you have made. Realizing your mistakes is very important because mistakes are one of the best learning tools.
Peer reviews are something that I have always dreaded in school. Why? No one wants to be a "Mean Margaret" like in the video, Writing Peer Reviews Top 10 Mistakes. Peer reviews cause a lot of pressure because no one likes to correct their peers. This is because most of the time the correction is stated in the wrong way. Staying positive is very much important. The last thing you want to do is make your peer feel bad about their writing. As a teacher it will be crucial that you know how to do this. Your students will be counting on you and helping point out mistakes will shape them into better writers, among other thing. Decisions will have to be made, but you will have to figure out the proper way to go about the situation depending on the mistake.
No one likes public humiliation, but some simple mistakes can be pointed out. In my recent C4C I decided that was the way to go. I chose this way because it seemed very much appropriate and I followed the steps from the videos to do so. As I continue in this class I am sure that pointing out mistakes will become difficult, but I will always follow the steps in stating it correctly. We are all adults so getting constructive peer reviews should not be a problem.
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