Sunday, September 15, 2013

Blog Post #4

Benifits of Podcasting
What is a podcast? Podcast is a multimedia digital file made available on the internet for downloading to a portable media player, computer, etc. In the video, Podcasting In The Classroom by Joe Dale, many effective ways of using podcast in the classroom were given. A few effective ways of using podcast
A boy listening to his ipod.
are: it promotes creativity and innovation, it is an effective way of interacting with students outside of the classroom, students can record role plays in character making their learning more memorable and it can offer distance learning opportunities for absent students. Having your students utilize technology, something they are already used to, like podcast in the class helps them be creative and keeps them engaged in school work. I also like the point made about a student missing class, but luckily with podcast she was able to stay up to date on her assignments. Typical classroom learning is a thing of the past and with podcast classroom learning will always be up to date.
Podcasting with First Grade
This post was very interesting to me because I had never heard of first graders being so attentive. Their enthusiasm for creating podcast was very much exciting and whether they knew it or not they were obtaining very useful skills. Some of the skills they addressed where listening, speaking, presenting, and comprehension. All of which are important when learning to read. This post showed me kids as young as six could patient and completes a somewhat difficult task. When creating their podcast these students made sure to re-work it until it was at its best. Using podcast in this classroom also helped some students some out of their "shell." Every student was excited and very hardworking.
Learning to read is one thing, but learning to read in a different language is something totally different. It amazed me how these students were able to construct a podcast that was completely out of order then put it in the correct order. Learning another language can be very difficult, but using podcast can make it somewhat easier. These students successfully constructed a podcast in Hebrew. They also used another form of technology, a smart board, to help create a good interacting classroom while putting the podcast together. I have learned, from this post, that there are many factors that play in learning another language. It is important that you hear the words consistently, obtain a feeling of the word, and actually comprehend the word in a sentence. Learning with podcast will always be a good way to help students, teachers, and parents stay connected in and outside of the classroom. When used properly podcast can be very useful in the classroom, therefore podcast will be one of the many tools used in my class.
A girl holding the world listening to it with head phones.


  1. "What is podcast?" What is A podcast?

    "...many effective ways of using podcast in the classroom was given." were not was

    How likely are to you use podcasts in your classroom?

    Keep in mind what you learned this week when creating your own podcast this semester. Your podcast should be informative as well as creative and interested to watch or listen to.

  2. Hi Demetrius,

    Your post was very useful in describing how to use podcasts and benefits of podcasting. I enjoyed reading your thoughts about the links that you chose to watch and summarize because we chose different ones. I read one about the first graders also and thought it was very cool that they were so into perfecting their podcasts! I wouldn't have thought they cared about it so much!
    Be sure to read over your post one last time after you use spell check. I only saw two errors which were wrong words, but because they were spelled correctly the spell check didn't pick it up. Good Job!

  3. Hello Demetrius,

    I have really enjoyed reading your blog post and you covered the subject topic very well. I agree that podcasting is a great tool for teachers and that any age can learn to use podcasting in the classroom. Keep up the good work!
