Childs name- Sadie Pickle
Summary- In this post Sadie gave the link to informational videos on Little Angel Service Dogs. Service dogs are not just for the blind. These dogs can be for people with diabetes, seizures, or a number of other things. Sadie also asked a few questions about service dogs. Some of the question asked where: What other jobs do dogs do for people? What are some things you can do to help when you see a service dog? She also answered questions on the chapters she had to read for class.
My Response- My name is Demetrius Hamner. I am a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, Alabama. I loved the videos on service dogs. I never knew all of different rolls they could play. Dogs are not only there to keep up company , but they also help us in any ways. Your questions are really something to think about. I will be sure to look into this more.
Childs Name- Izzy
Summary- In this post Izzy drew a tree with animals to describe levels of the forest. The tree was colored very well and every animal drawn was labeled. The animals drawn where the Magpie, Northern Flicker, Ground Squirrel, and a Beetle.
My Response- My name is Demetrius Hamner and I am a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama located in Mobile, Alabama. I really liked your drawing. The tree was very colorful and I liked how you labeled all of the animals. Very good job.
Childs Name- Armando
Summary- The title of this post is Sinking the Words. Armando describes what the earthquake at Church Christ was like for him. He was eating lunch when everything started to shake. He then gives his three wishes on the changes he would make to the rebuilt Christ Church. The first wish is tourist attraction which consists of an amazing water park. The proceeds of this would help rebuild houses, buildings, and save jobs. The second wish is to have more support on tall buildings. Armando thinks of this because he doesn’t want the Christ Church to have to get rebuilt again. His support for the new building would be having wheels or solid supports that go deep into the ground and are stuck to the foundation. His final wish would be more transportation. The transportation would be to help tourist get to the waterpark or other places around the Church Christ.
My Response- My name is Demetrius. I really enjoyed reading your speech. If your three wishes where to come true I think it would help a lot. The water park wish was my favorite because I enjoy going to water parks. I am so sorry that you experienced an earthquake I know that was very scary. I hope the Christ Church is rebuilt to your liking.
Childs Name- Chloe
Summary- The title of this post is Out of My Mind: Reading Response #2. Chloe gives her second response to the book Out of My Mind. She briefly explains problems of the character, who is unfortunately restrained to a wheelchair, Melody. One problem is that Melody gets frustrated about not being able to change the channel on television. Chloe says that things would be better is she just had a remote control. Another response Chloe gives is that maybe Melody could have a button on her wheelchair that lets people know that she is frustrated. The last response Chloe gives is that maybe Melody could have new words on her board to expand her vocabulary.
My Response- My name is Demetrius Hamner. I am a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama located in Mobile, Alabama. I liked your suggestions to help Melody. Each suggestion was very thoughtful. Although I have not read the book it seems very interesting. Good Job.
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