Friday, October 11, 2013

C4T #2

Summary #1
In this post, Digital Storytelling 106: Open, Participatory, Student-centric, Socical...the Future Mr. Rheingold addresses the online learning community for students. He also uses works of Jim Groom as a “platform” for the way he thinks the future of what online learning should be like. Every student has a digital identity and that is very much important, but is the way today's students learn online really the “future?” Mr. Rheingold says no, in fact he speaks on a new way for students to learn online. Since there isn't one kind of knowledge there shouldn't just be one kind of pedagogy. He includes the work of Jim Groom and says that it should be well known. Mr. Rheingold uses many of Jim Groom’s thoughts on student learning some of which include students creating their own WordPress. He even goes on to talk about students creating their own assignments if they don't like the original one assigned. Mr. Rheingold gives a quote from Jim Groom, “Twitter became the platform for everything that is missing in online learning – that hallway space, the space where you are joking around, the interstitial spaces that aren't tested on and aren't assessed – but it's where all the learning happens. I don't care if it's Twitter or Google Plus – you create your own tool – but being in a space where you feel you can invite and engage a community is very important.” This post was really to get everyone to think about just what the “future” of students learning would be like. Should things change?

Comment #1
When I read this post I immediately thought about my professor Dr. Strange. In our EDM310 class we are learning how to create a positive digital identity also. I would have to agree with all of your points on today's digital learning. The thing that stood out the most to me about this post is your proposed improvements. Being able to create your own assignments would be very interesting. I hadn't heard of Jim Groom before this post, but now I will make sure to read into his work further. I think I will be able to learn a lot from him.
A quote by Jim Rohn that says your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.

Summary #2
In this post, When Students Say They Want to Change the World Listen: Angela Maiers, Mr. Rheingold says that teaching matters and that doing something that matters is being someone that matters. He then goes on into explaining the works of Angela Maiers. Ms. Maiers started a movement called Genius Hour. This movement takes “show and tell” to another level. It is very important that each student knows just how important they are. Genius Hour lets students take on a topic that is important to them. This allows each and every student to be able to make a difference and change something. Genius Hour is now being implemented in schools all over. In Mr. Rheingold’s video you actually see how passionate Ms. Maiers is about helping students make a difference.

Genius Hour seems like a great way to help students be more independent. I agree that every student should know that they matter and should express that to the world. I think that as educators if we help them do this then each student will be able to leave their mark somewhere in the world in a positive way. A student will never know what they will be able to change until they try.

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